Updates to the “Keeping Research Data Safe” Preservation Costs Activity Model

An update and review of the activity model published in the original Keeping Research Data Safe report has just been published on the KRDS2 project website.

All of our project partners undertook a detailed review of the activity model. The overall finding from this review was that the KRDS1 Activity Model was robust and broadly a good fit to their activities. Some changes were suggested for use in KRDS2, mainly to the wordings of definitions and edits to the existing text. In addition, three substantive changes or additions to activities were also identified by two or more reviewers and agreed as changes to the  model :

  • The need to divide the “outreach and depositor support” sub-activity under Acquisition in the Archive phase.
  • The need to divide the development of the archive’s Selection Policy and its application within the selection sub-activity of Acquisition.
  • The need to cover staff training and development as a specific activity.

All proposed edits and revisions of the Activity Model can be downloaded here. The project team would welcome comment and feedback which can be sent to info@beagrie.com .

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